Social + Co-creation

For me, co-creation is not only a methodology but also a tool for social transformation. Each project is an opportunity to explore new territories by inviting people to actively participate in its development. This collective participation not only enriches the final result but also reinforces the sense of community and belonging. Here is a selection of the social and co-creation projects I have done.

Social + Co-creation

Co-creation of the Artifact - Caixaforum

Co-creation of the Artifact - Caixaforum

"Artefacto" is a mobile device, halfway between an artistic installation and a pedagogical resource, specifically designed to host mediation proposals, dynamics and materials created by artists. "Artefacto"...

Co-creation of the Artifact - Caixaforum

"Artefacto" is a mobile device, halfway between an artistic installation and a pedagogical resource, specifically designed to host mediation proposals, dynamics and materials created by artists. "Artefacto"...

Co-creation of the Dalí / Magritte exhibition - MrBAB

Co-creation of the exhibition Dalí / Magritte - ...

Creación colectiva de cinco instalaciones interactivas, dos cuadernos creativos y un juego para la exposición "Dalí<>Magritte" MrBAB, Bélgica 2019.    Diseño y dinamización del proceso de co-creación:Lluís Sabadell Artiga//Cuscusian*sDirección artistica y textos:Lluís...

Co-creation of the exhibition Dalí / Magritte - ...

Creación colectiva de cinco instalaciones interactivas, dos cuadernos creativos y un juego para la exposición "Dalí<>Magritte" MrBAB, Bélgica 2019.    Diseño y dinamización del proceso de co-creación:Lluís Sabadell Artiga//Cuscusian*sDirección artistica y textos:Lluís...

Co-creation of the exhibition JOAN MIRÓ. Workshop notes

Co-creation of the exhibition JOAN MIRÓ. Notes...

Co-creation process of the exhibition JOAN MIRÓ. Apuntes de taller held at the Casa de Cultura de Girona (2017) in co-production with the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona. The exhibition...

Co-creation of the exhibition JOAN MIRÓ. Notes...

Co-creation process of the exhibition JOAN MIRÓ. Apuntes de taller held at the Casa de Cultura de Girona (2017) in co-production with the Fundació Joan Miró in Barcelona. The exhibition...

Co-creation of BARRRROC

Co-creation of BARRRROC

Co-creation of the creative book on baroque music BARRRROC made with the Conjunt ATRIA. Co-creators: Júlia Santos (traverso), Isabel Soteras (violin), Guillem Cabré (violin), Carla Rovirosa (cello) i Lluís Sabadell Artiga ....

Co-creation of BARRRROC

Co-creation of the creative book on baroque music BARRRROC made with the Conjunt ATRIA. Co-creators: Júlia Santos (traverso), Isabel Soteras (violin), Guillem Cabré (violin), Carla Rovirosa (cello) i Lluís Sabadell Artiga ....

Co-creation of the multi-sensory experimentation space.

Co-creation of the Multidisciplinary Experimentation Space...

Co-creation process of the Space for multisensory experimentation for people with intellectual diversity with the participation of the students of the co-creation workshop of the Pere Quart CC in Barcelona and...

Co-creation of the Multidisciplinary Experimentation Space...

Co-creation process of the Space for multisensory experimentation for people with intellectual diversity with the participation of the students of the co-creation workshop of the Pere Quart CC in Barcelona and...



Co-creation through a workshop at the educational space of the Contemporary Art Center of Vic ACVIC with the staff of the art center and a team of teachers and students...


Co-creation through a workshop at the educational space of the Contemporary Art Center of Vic ACVIC with the staff of the art center and a team of teachers and students...