Travelled landscapes (mouvance)

Travelled landscapes (mouvance)

Lluís Sabadell Artiga

The term trajection by Augustin Berque refers to the dynamic and reciprocal process between humans and their environment. This concept describes how people and landscapes influence each other, creating a complex web of cultural and ecological interactions. The world is not totally objective, since we perceive it with our senses - different from those of any animal - and because we are continuously transforming it. This transformation occurs even with our mere presence - because we breathe, tread the ground... - but also technologically: plowing fields with tractors, digging mines or constructing buildings. However, the world is not entirely subjective either; it is not a purely mental or perceptual construction, but interacts with the reality around us. This generates constant movement (mouvance) arising from the trajectionThe continuous back and forth between the subjective and the objective. It is there where our reality is constructed and with it, the landscape.

This installation is made up of photographs with motors that make them vibrate connected to a motion sensor that, when a person enters its field of action, are activated and begin to vibrate.

Installation. Photographs, vibrating motors and motion sensor. Measurements: Variable

Produced by the Fundació Espais d'Art Contemporani de Girona for the exhibition Expectant Geographies curated by Jordi Font and Magdala Perpinyà with works by Francesc Abad, Domènec, Àlex Nogué, Peere Noguera and Lluís Sabadell Artiga.

Year: 2006

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